Spiritual Vitals: What Your Body Is Telling You

Explore the Vital Signs seminar led by Ps Nathan Kassas. Discover how to synchronize your spirit, soul, and body to achieve health and well-being, enabling you to fulfill your life's purpose.


Have you ever experienced a sudden headache or felt an unusual tiredness? Your body could be trying to communicate that something is amiss in your spirit. In his groundbreaking seminar, Vital Signs, Ps Nathan Kassas blends supernatural and scientific knowledge to help you understand the intricate components that make up your being. As we approach the door of destiny, it's crucial that we experience divine recovery in every area of our lives. Spiritual Vitals delves into the link between your body's response and your spirit. By exploring their interconnectedness, Ps Nathan Kassas, renowned for revealing the symbiotic relationship between the two, will help you understand what your physical vital signs reveal about your spiritual vitals. To reach your destiny in 2024, you must comprehend what your body is trying to tell you. Over the past five years, there has been a significant attack on our biology and physiology, meant to wear us down and erode our health. This seminar equips you with practical tools and signs to watch out for, allowing you to understand how well your body aligns with your spirit. You'll learn how to implement practices that promote harmony between your Spirit, Soul, and Body, walking in the power of God's premeditated love for you. This seminar is an essential roadmap to health and wholeness that you cannot afford to miss.

Topics include:

Learning Your Vitals

What Are Your Vitals Telling You?

  • Heart Rate
  • Blood pressure
  • Metabolism
  • Temperature
  • Respiration Rate
  • Pain

The Immune System - God’s Premeditative Love

The Spirit, Heart, Soul, Mind, Brain, Body Connection

Heart Coherence

Spiritual Detoxing

Molecules of Emotion



1st Session: 5:30-7:30pm
Break: 7:30-8:30pm
2nd Session: 8:30-10:30pm

Multiple Seminar Discount: Important Note: Register for more than two seminars and receive a special discounted rate applied to each seminar added.

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