The End's Beginning

Prepare for the challenges ahead and live victoriously as the end begins. Let Dr. Tony guide you through the last days and God's timeline.


The S3 Seminars are set to commence with Dr. Tony Kassas delving into the theology surrounding the End's Beginning. He will be dissecting the season of the End, cautioning us to be vigilant and attuned to the workings of the Holy Spirit. Jesus foretold his disciples of certain events and signs that would signal the approach of apostasy and judgment. These events and signs are referred to as the "beginning of sorrows". What happens when this beginning period comes to an end? Will believers be able to recognize its conclusion and duration? Will they be equipped to tackle the next phase of history or be caught off guard like everyone else? The interpretation of the Book of Revelation is critical as it must align with what Jesus intended for John and the Church to comprehend. Dr. Tony Kassas will divulge the hermeneutical keys that will enable us to decipher this vital book of prophecy, enabling us to differentiate between fact and fiction. Using the scriptures, Dr. Tony will enlighten us on how to identify what will keep us on track and what is designed to distract us. This power-packed, eschatological special is one not to be missed.



1st Session: 5:30-7:30pm
Break: 7:30-8:30pm
2nd Session: 8:30-10:30pm

Multiple Seminar Discount: Important Note: Register for more than two seminars and receive a special discounted rate applied to each seminar added.

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