"Timing, Timing, Timing"
Sunday, September 29, 2024
Dr. Tony Kassas

Join us for Sunday Worship online with our Collide Worship Team and Dr. Tony Kassas as they bring a word straight from God's heart to you right on time for your season and life. Tonight Dr. Tony prepares our hearts for the upcoming Season Casting event by asking the question, "Are we in sync with the Holy Spirit?" More and more God's timeline is being revealed and it is crucial for us, His Bride, that we be where He is, when He's there, for the right reasons. This year we were challenged by Ps. Nathan Kassas that our walk would become narrower and narrower as we draw closer to God, and we can see that as major events are taking place across the world, it is crucial we move in God's timing.

Featured Sermons
"Earth, Wind, and Fire"
February 2, 2025
Dr. Tony Kassas
"Shevat: Killing The Automatic Negative Thoughts"
January 26, 2025
Ps. Nathan Kassas
"New Apostolic Age"
January 5, 2025
Dr. Tony Kassas
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