About This Ministry


One of the most important foundations that we stand by at TORCC NY is that, “Everyone is a member”. This means that you have a place and a position — more than just warming a seat.Our passion is to see everyone fulfill their destiny and calling. Because of this, we want to invite you to join us for a special time to connect and get plugged into the life of what God is doing throughout our church. Our church consists of people from all different walks of life that call our ministry home and we are excited to welcome those that feel a special calling by the Holy Spirit to become apart of our family.
So if you are interested in becoming apart of the mandate to which God has given us specifically, come along and hear Ps. Tony and key leadership share on our vision and what it means to be a contributing member within the family of our church.
Here you can learn the model of our specific church culture, what makes us unique, and how you can get plugged into the heart and various arms of our ministry. Also, we will be welcoming and honoring our new members with a special presentation to honor their commitment.


It is from the understanding stated above, that our Freedom ministry is a unique inner deliverance ministry aimed to get to the root of –point of entry– of what may be hindering you from entering into a deeper relationship with Jesus. During this time our ministry team will sit down with you in a private setting and guide you through the process of freedom and wholeness. This is not a counseling session-if counseling is needed then other ministry alternatives can be arranged. Instead, this a time of delayering the soul from demonic oppression and filling you back up with the experiential reality of who Jesus is, so that you can pursue and fulfill your complete calling and destiny as a child of God!

Types of Wholeness ministry

Dr. Tony Kassas
Executive Pastor | Overseeing Apostle


Tony Kassas has been a member of Times of Refreshing Christian Centre Sydney ever since he was saved through its ministry in the early 1980’s. Six years later, he joined the leadership team. He married Robyn in 1989. Although Tony’s ongoing teaching ministry spans the Australian, South East Asian, and North American continents, he has also ministered in England, Israel, and Kenya.  

Tony Kassas is an ordained and proven prophetic minister and teacher. He has preached and prophesied to thousands of people over 30 years of ministry. His spiritual gifts include teaching, prophecy and governance. His teaching gift aims to help believers grasp the ‘big picture’ regarding the Church in the last days. He has a unique ability to give believers the ‘panoramic’ and ‘macroscopic’ view of events that are about to take place in the world and in the Church. His goal is to prepare the Church to overcome the challenges and experience the victories that will lead to the Second Coming of Jesus!  

His heart’s desire is for everyone to experience what he calls ‘New Testament Church Dynamic’ which is signified by the power, insight, and boldness that filled the early Church in the Book of Acts. As an apostolic father, he faithfully mentors the next generation of leaders and ministers into this dynamic. 

In Sydney, Tony established the Community Assistance Team (CAT) back in 2002, which serves food with a friendly smile to the underprivileged in Parramatta’s City Center.  In New York City, he oversees TORCC NY’s Humanitarian Emergency Relief Team (HERT), which collaborates with other churches and agencies as a first response relief group in the aftermath of natural disasters, supplying basic necessities to victims and their families such as in the wake of Hurricane Sandy in 2012. 

Tony also established Visioncorp where Christian men and women with business interests meet regularly to discuss how to better serve and inspire budding entrepreneurs to be excellent in the marketplace. He believes establishing credibility in the marketplace creates a platform for Christians to share the Gospel with businessmen and women as they demonstrate the blessings that accompany righteousness in business ethics. 

He is the academic dean of the School Of Apostles and Prophets and senior lecturer of the Prophetic/Apostolic Stream. Tony is instrumental in providing a Biblical and sound theological framework and accountability for TORCC’s ministry. 

He received his Doctorate of Theology from Christian Leadership University with further studies completed through Ministers Fellowship International, Vision International University, and Christian International Seminary. 

Tony hosts TORCC TV’s original show “Theology Talks” where he discusses doctrine, theology, and Biblical studies. 

He is writing a commentary of the book of Genesis called The Genesis Project. When complete, it will be a prophetic exposition of the book of beginnings and its powerful theological, scientific, and prophetic meaning. 

Tony lives in New York with his wife and son. He has been happily married to his wife Robyn for 31 years and has five adult children and 13 grandchildren. 

Tim Byrnes
Asst. Pastor | Men's Pastor

Tim has been apart of TORCC New York since it's conception and founding. He is a vital member and contributor to our mandate and culture. Tim Byrnes’ ministry gifts are pastor, teacher and leadership. Tim is also an avid historian with a particular aptitude for Early Church History.  He is also a capable apologist for all the essential foundational Christian doctrines that seem to have been tainted or ignored in most recent times in many Christian circles.  His passion for the early church writers and the revivalists of the 19th Century has influenced him in such a way that Tim has in many ways become a ‘Revivalist Advocate’.

Tim’s heart is as large as his theology.  A true shepherd, he is always ready to Guide and guard the Lord’s people in practical ways as well.  He is always looking for ways to assist men in the calling and responsibilities as priests to their homes.  For this reason Tim heads up ‘Strengthen Him’ - a ministry specifically for men, dealing with ‘manly’ issues.

Tim is a graduate of NYU with a Masters in Teaching in Music. He graduated with distinctions in the following courses of study in the School Of Apostles and Prophets (SOAP) New York:

  • The Great Doctrines of the Bible
  • Every Wind Of Doctrine
  • The Beginning of The End
  • The Theology Of Prophecy
  • Prophetic Foundations
  • Operating In the Prophetic
  • Advancing In the Prophetic
  • Communion With God
  • Counseled By God
  • Abiding in Christ
  • Joseph & Daniel Company
  • Ministering Spiritual Gifts
  • Freedom and Deliverance Training
  • Counseling and Guidance

Sonia Jones
Asst. Pastor | Connect Pastor

Sonia is passionate about seeing the Body of Christ enter into a deeper level of relationship with Jesus, a relationship she fosters and relies upon every day. Growing up in a Christian home committed to their local church and knowledge of the Scriptures, Sonia realized she desired more than a religious experience. After moving to New York in 2009, Sonia was introduced to the Holy Spirit in a new and real way. She discovered a tangible connection with the living God not only as Lord but also as a loving Father. As a founding member of TORCC New York, Sonia continues to be a vital part of the running of Sunday Services, events, and developing connection with our church family. If you’re new to TORCC New York, you will no doubt recognize her smiling face and gentle voice. She ensures the door is never closed to those who knock.

Outside of her ministry role, Sonia is a respected and qualified teacher and adjudicator in the arts community of TORCC NY and New York City. She works in the Education Department of American Ballet Theatre, as a faculty member in the ABT JKO School, and is on its Artistic Board of Examiners. In 2016, Sonia founded the Sojo Performing Arts School in New York City which gives children  all ages the opportunity to learn ballet in an encouraging environment. She is determined to see the Arts redeemed and used as God originally intended, both in the Church and in the World.

Sonia is committed and genuine leader who faithfully serves in her fivefold ministry callings as Pastor, Teacher and Leader. She has successfully completed and graduated the following Leadership Training Modules in the School of Apostles and Prophets including:

  • Prophetic Foundations
  • Operating In the Prophetic
  • Advancing In the Prophetic
  • Communion With God
  • Counseled By God
  • Abiding in Christ
  • Marketplace Ministry Training
  • Freedom and Deliverance Training
  • Counseling and Guidance


Intro To Church Life

Ministry Process

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

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A week ago, God used Ps.Natalie and (I’m sorry—) another sister whose name I don’t recall, to set me free from Guilt & Condemnation. Since then, I have been SO THANKFUL for the increase in liberty I’ve enjoyed. Remembering this new freedom gives me Hope that what I experienced will also become a testimony to the LORD’s love through healing and freedom. Amen.


Hi Team,

Just wanted to thank you and the team for my deliverance session, I feel amazing since getting my freedom and I sleep well at night to, I’ve noticed a change in the way I interact also with people, much nicer and how people respond to me too.

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