In light of the recent video of Ahmud Arbury being released to the World, we want everyone to know that our prayers are with his family and loved ones.
This is an evil world we are living in and we are being challenged with evil in every type of way: Racism, Abuse, Government Corruption, Child Trafficking...the headlines are endless.
We need to focus our energy and prayers on letting Jesus be the answer. No system, government, social program, or man's idea can fix this. If we call upon the name of the Lord, we the Church repent, then He will hear and heal this land. We the Church are to lead by saying, "We have sinned." It's up to us to lead and not follow.
The loss of any life is one too much. This young man did not deserve to die, and we are praying that every part of this is exposed.
Please pray for his family and that God will comfort them as they are mourning the loss of their son.
TORCC Leadership & Team
All events held at our TORCC NY Location will adhere to the following guidelines:
In addition to these gatherings, cleaning teams will resume their weekly function starting today, June 27, 2020.
For your reference, here are links to articles outlining the CDC guidelines for Phase 2, including articles about the ruling of the Federal court in favor of houses of worship:
NY1 Phase 2 Guidelines
Daily News - Religious Gatherings Ruling
Albany Update - Federal Court Ruling About Houses of Worship
We are thrilled to say, we hope to see you at church on Sunday! God is on the move, and it is an honor to step not only back into our church building, but into the New Church Age spoken of by our pastors. We look forward to welcoming you home!
TORCC Senior Leadership Team